Friday, November 29, 2019
Origins of Violence
Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion References Introduction Violence is a universal vice that threatens the peace of a community, its life, health and happiness of everyone residing in the community. The fact that violence is so pervasive, it is seen as part of human life and it is a fact of livelihood that needs response from the community members rather than dwelling on its prevention.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Origins of Violence specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In another dimension, violence is considered as an issue that befits law and order whereby health professionals are limited to dealing with the consequences. Due to the rising proportions of violence in America taking interest in Colorado a research program known as CSPV was established to help the community in preventing violence (Department of Justice, 2010). Discussion The discussion on this will mainly focus on the violen ce that occurs in Colorado. One of the main types of violence in Colorado is family or domestic violence. This is attributable to the fact that a spouse commits half of the deaths in Colorado with victims being females on most occasions. Violence in Colorado has severe impacts to the welfare of the community at large. There are factors that increase risk of exposure to community violence, which include living in poor areas and being a minority group. Community violence has diverse effects to its people. First, in cases where children are involved, they will have to grow up with disabilities due to physical aftermath of the violence. Another effect is in the psychological consequences, which may include agitated behavior and even children experiencing nightmares. Secondly, adolescents may become depressed and feel alienated due to the effects of violence. This is common to those exposed chronically to community violence. Adolescents may also experience other trauma-related effects su ch as impaired self-esteem, drug abuse and attempting to commit suicide. Lastly, the effects of violence also greatly affect the family members. The parents may be anxious on the well-being of their children hence leading to frustration and anger. Due to this, they find themselves in a blame game for not protecting their children, which may later lead to strained relationships in the family (Goguen, 2011). In preventing violence in Colorado, Centre for the Study and Prevention of Violence came up with three missions that they would use to counter the effects of violence. First, they use information clearing house in collecting resources that are based on the causes and prevention of violence and providing the public with direct information services.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Secondly, they evaluate and develop violence prevention programs through offering technical assistance t o the community. Lastly, they maintain an analysis of other projects in terms of causes and prevention measures. A good example of violence in Colorado is the Ludlow massacre, which was an attack on coal miners and their families by the Colorado National Guard. This violence resulted in deaths of women and children from being burnt under a single tent (Martelle, 2007). Engaging the whole community in ending violence is a complex work, but changing the society’s attitude is done one-step at a time. Complacency is said to be a barrier to tackling violence as it greatly encourages violence and is formidable when responding to violence. Reductions geared towards violence both interpersonal and collective violence depends upon dealing with complacency of any form (Martelle, 2007). Conclusion Violence in the world today has taught people crucial lessons about its prevention ways that one can mitigate the consequences that it brings about. One lesson learnt from this is that violenc e is often predictable and preventable. In order to get the best interventions needed for violence it is vital to know the context of violence. The context rallies around the circumstances that it occurs and what attitude the society in question has towards it. When planning for the prevention of violence there is, need to understand the context of the violence in order to tailor intervention to the target population (University of Colorado, 2011). References Department of Justice, (2010). Bureau of Justice Statistics. Retrieved from Goguen, C. (2011). A National Center for PTSD Fact Sheet: The Effects of Community Violence on Children and Adolescents. Web.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Origins of Violence specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Martelle, S. (2007). Blood passion: The Ludlow Massacre and class war in the American West. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Unive rsity Press. University of Colorado, (2011). Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence. Retrieved from This essay on Origins of Violence was written and submitted by user InfantTerrible to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Psychosocial Development Life story
Psychosocial Development Life story Abstract The paper focuses on the life of a boy whose father passes away when he is a baby, and who is now raised by less promising mother. It particularly focuses on the relevance of the theories put forward to explain the influence of various factors on the social and psychological development of a child in the early stages of development.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Psychosocial Development: Life story specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Theories relating to the overall context development, self and identity development, social development as well as moral development are presented in relation to Davy’s case. It further explores the possible strategies that can be adopted to overcome similar challenges. Introduction The approach to be used to study the influence of various related and unrelated factors in the development of an individual is a differential approach. Generally, this empirical approach uses r esearch methods to study the variations on behaviors of individuals among a group of people. The age of 5-12 years is a very significant stage in the development of a person. At this stage, the child learns ‘the fundamental skills that are valued in their culture, whether these are reading, writing and arithmetic or hunting, fishing and weaving’ (Newman Newman 2008, p276). The experiences that a child acquires at this tender age will generally affect the overall development of the child into a whole being. Life story: A case study Davy was born on September 20, 1988, his mother nearly dying after having an operation. This operation was suggested by the doctor who, on earlier examination of the mother, advised that the foetus had been wrongly positioned and normal birth would be dangerous. The same year, an attempt to overthrow the government was witnessed throwing the whole country into a condition of jeopardy that had to last for months. It was followed by the declara tion of a state of emergency, which later give rise intertribal clashes. The condition took longer than bearable as people could go hungry for days following a restriction on the movements of the civilian. The whole nation was under the military control. Davy’s father who was a casual laborer in some sugar cane industry found it hard to support the family now that the majority of the locals of that area were from a different tribe and these were the conflicting tribes. Just towards the end of the state of emergency, the father of three sons and a daughter sneaked out in the evening to go and buy flour from a shopkeeper who was from the rival tribe but had been a long time friend. The businessperson had been secretly carrying on with his activities despite the harsh prevailing atmosphere and had occasionally escaped gunshots. However, this day they were both unfortunate.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Four consecutive gunshots confirmed to the family that their breadwinner was in danger. Three people were killed in the incidence including the father and the shopkeeper. The state of emergency was later called of and the field supervisor offered to have Davy’s mother replace his father. The task was challenging for the weak mother whose first borne daughter was barely eight years old. Supporting the family became a nightmare and in several instances, the mother would be heard quarrelling her children over very petty issues. Occasionally, she cautioned her daughter that she would soon be married off to somebody so as to help her (the mother) support the family. At this time, Davy was two years old and able to understand when her mother’s emotions started rising. During such instances, he would follow his brothers to go and play with other children in the play field. However, he was not as active as others were since he had not receive d the recommended breast-feeding before being introduced to other hard stuff. This would later affect his education. One evening, when Davy’s sister, Teresia, was ten years old and in Standard IV, her mother came home hurriedly and told her to put on her best dress, as they were to visit some important person. There was always no room for argument and the little children found themselves in the house without any arrangements. At around ten o’clock, their mother came back not with Teresia, but with a stranger whom she told her sons would be their new father. They had never seen their mother drink, but there she was vomiting an irritating medium indicating a mixture of different brands of beer. They portrayed a substantial amount of immorality before the children before retiring to bed. Their conversation revealed to the children that their sister had been forced to marry some casual laborer related to this man. Davy was enrolled in Standard I at the age of eight having taken much time in the preparatory school. He was older than any other pupil in the class was and this would be the topic of discussion whenever they were out for physical education. Nobody dared associate with him despite his attempts to be close to them. Whenever an exercise required two or more pupils, a pupil would only be forced to join Davy by the instructor. He then lost interest in all the co-curricular activities and tried to compensate for that in academics, which was private. This, he managed successfully and was later able to be on top of the class. He did the final exam and excelled as expected. In addition, his older brothers, who had surrendered to the cruelty of life and were now, working in the sugar cane farm, discouraged him from proceeding with education, stressing on the probable financial difficulties.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Psychosocial Development: Life story specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More They had never received bride price from their brother-in-law who was even needier than they were. The brothers aged seventeen, nineteen were now married with children, and they had successfully graduated into the class of drug addicts. Their parents were no longer carrying on well. Occasionally they broke into a fight that would last for hours. The whole family was in the edge of collapse and was the center of gossip in the community. Davy’s former teacher offered to secure him a place in a nearby high school. His mother was completely against it but the teacher managed to convince her that he would lend a hand in paying the fee. Life in a boys’ day school was quite welcoming now that most students were mature. Associating with boys alone was not very challenging. However, hunger knows no bound. When Davy was in his final year of study, his teacher died in a tragic road accident; Davy was greatly shocked and could not concentrate on his revision and yet exams were near. Some of his classmates together with his brothers mocked of being a servant of soft drinks. They argued that physical sciences were not compatible with a sober mind and that joining them would help him overcome the agony as well. He was finally lured into the new denomination. Davy found it hard to quit the habit, which did not solve his problem as hypothesized. Instead, his performance remarkably deteriorated and on some occasions, he appeared in exam room quite drunk. The final results were no better having failed completely in some subjects. His education could not proceed and there was no job he had the potential of performing. His social life was not spared either. At this age, he had not been seen going out with any person. He had the desire, but failed in the ability to convince or even approach any woman. There have been occasional reports of rape and abduction in their area. These have been closely associated to Davy and his allies. The entire community now sees him as a threat to the society. He has no well-known source of income and this causes speculations that he is responsible for other crimes in the area. Significant challenges and issues During his early life, Davy encountered a variety of challenges that would later affect his life in general. The death of his father led to his mother’s future hostility and therefore Davy did not receive the necessary parental love and care. He was also faced with the problem of malnutrition. Davy was not properly breast fed since the mother was their new breadwinner and was mostly in the fields. This led to his being weak and emaciated. Financial instability was a problem in this family. Davy could not attend school adequately and had to rely, later, on his teacher for support. This gave birth to other problems including that emerging from the teacher’s death. All these problems combined to give rise to yet another problem, which was inability to associate. This would later influence his moral values as well.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Psychosocial development theories Psychosocial development refers to the advancement of a person’s mind, reasoning ability, emotions, and maturity usually determined by the environmental and biological factors The whole concern of psychosocial development in a juvenile is about answering the ‘who-am-I?’ question. The society will already be exerting pressure on the child to be able to give explicitly his abilities, and the gain to the society from him. Basically, psychosocial development refers to the development of an emerging self-capability of an individual to meet the diverse society expectations. Bronfenbrenner’s theory Bronfenbrenner’s approach to the study of psychosocial developments emphasizes on the relationships between the various dimensions and asserts that a study on an isolated development may not be very appropriate. It gives a transactional approach to both the developmental and educational psychology. It reflects the effects of the immediate surrounding of an individual on his psychosocial development relating to three aspects of man namely: mind, body, and spirit. The first level that influences development includes the family, schools, and religious institutions around, peer pressure as well as culture of a particular group of people (Huitt 2009). Theses can negatively affect the development. Other higher-level factors also exist. In Davy’s case, we observed that the overall development could not be broken into separate entities. Instead, they are all related so that the biological factors affect the bodily growth and development. This in turn interact with the environment and affects Davy’s social life. The interrelation continues to school where we observe the resultant. Environmental and educational psychology are then seen to be in unity. Peer influence is greatly portrayed in luring Davy into drugs. Erikson’s approach Every stage is essential in the psychosocial development of an i ndividual. An interesting fact is that the development time is critical in a person’s life and often can transition into the next stage even before a stage is complete. According to Lerner (2002), the development stage of an individual is ‘governed by the predetermined-epigenetic, maturational timetable and as such a person must develop what is supposed to be developed in each stage of development otherwise there will never be another chance (p419). Erikson’s theory on psychosocial development asserts that there is no second chance in development. If a stage has not been fully completed then it will remain and the aftermath of it all is a resultant alteration in the successive dependent developments. The theory suggests that the whole development process takes place in eight different but inter-related stages. In Davy’s case, we first observe that he did not breastfeed enough. Biologically, he did not receive the required nutritional needs at right time. T hus, the theory asserts that he has no second chance of lactation and what he missed will remain. He will then be forced to proceed to the next stage prematurely. Secondly, Davy did not receive adequate parental love and care. A constant quarrel from his and the inhuman treatment given to his sister and brother had an impact on his psychological development. The parental guidance was not provided at the right time and as such, it would not be possible. His physical weakness could not enable him associate with the other children. This could not be corrected later in his life as was reflected in his inability to associate with schoolmates. Attending school at an older age also deprived him of association capabilities. Kohlberg’s theory and moral development This theory asserts that at the time of birth, ethical and moral behavior of a person is still unpredictable. The future moral standards greatly depend on the immediate environment of the child, which is the family. This was a similar approach by Piaget (1932) who observed that ‘most of the rules that a child learns to respect he receives from the adults’. It hypothesizes that the moral behavior of a child is more predictable, responsible, and consistent with the people at a higher level. The levels of development are three with two stages each. Those in the age of 5-12 years are in the first pre-conventional stage. Here they derive their morals values from what they are punished or warned against regardless of how it reflects on others. According to them, what is moral is what the surrounding adults say. In this case study, Davy is currently seen to have engaged in various immoral activities including rape. This can greatly be attributed to an encounter he had earlier when her mother and new father returned home drunk and were not able to control their behavior and deeds. This could have also added flavor to his current drinking habit. His early misfortune also reflected negatively on his ability to reason. Cognitive development was thus affected as was evidenced in his being influenced into drinking. Cognitive development reflects on one’s understanding of moral standards. As Oakley (2004) observed, â€Å"the development of moral understanding includes not only how children think about such issues but also how they behave in such situations and how they feel about them†(p9). Some possible strategies It can then be deduced that development in general depends on the biological, psychological, and social factors. Solutions to the problems are thus connected to these factors. Overcoming the above problems of psychosocial developments involves integration of various activities. The institutions of learning as well as religious ones should have programs of providing guidance for those that were not privileged to receive good parental care. Medical centers to help solve malnutrition problems should be established. The needy but intelligent children should b e provided with support towards education by the governing authority to avoid such psychological tortures. References Huitt, W. (2009). A Systems approach to the study of human behavior: Educational Psychology Interactive. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University. Web. Lerner, R.M. (2002). Concepts and Theories of Human Development. Third Edition. NY: Routledge. Newman, B.M. and Newman, P.R. (2008). Development through Life: A Psychological Approach. Tenth Edition. OH: Cengage Learning. Oakley, L. (2004). Cognitive development: Routledge modular psychology. NY: Routledge. Piaget, J. (1930). The Moral Judgment of the Child. The Free Press. Retrieved from
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Search proposal ( 6 pages ) only Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Search proposal ( 6 pages ) only - Essay Example The process begins with research into e-learning in general and at Saudi universities and ends with the culmination of the final report. A realistic time period for this to take place is over the next several months. As much as the word 'e-learning' is tossed around, one would think that every aspect of the term has been thoroughly researched. That is not the case. There is a lack of literature focusing on e-learning in certain countries. One of these countries is Saudi Arabia. In order to prime the reader for this project, it is necessary to review some literature on the topic first. Below are several reviews that pertain to e-learning and that can be utilized for the purposes of this study. Through studying e-learning, one can quickly note that seemingly endless definitions exist. This website does a great job putting together an all-encompassing one that will be helpful to the research. According to them, it can be defined as: The use of network technologies to create, foster, deliver, and facilitate learning, anytime and anywhere; The delivery of individualized, comprehensive, dynamic learning content in real time, aiding the development of communities of knowledge, linking learners and practitioners with experts; A phenomenon delivering accountability, accessibility, and opportunity to allow people and organizations to keep up with the rapid changes that define the Internet world; and A force that gives people and organizations the competitive edge to allow them to keep ahead of the rapidly changing global economy. King Saud University Acquires ISI Web of Knowledge, by Thomson ( This article reveals an important technological update for the oldest and largest Saudia Arabian University: King Saud University. The university signed a deal with Thomson Scientific to subscribe to "ISI Web of Knowledge - the integrated, Web-based platform designed to support all levels of scientific and scholarly research within academic, corporate, government or non-profit environments." According to the article, "ISI Web of Knowledge facilitates discovery by offering seamless navigation to high-quality, multidisciplinary journal, patent, and Web content; evaluation tools; and bibliographic management products. ISI Web of Knowledge combines this high-quality, evaluated content with the technologically-advanced tools necessary to analyze and manage the information." The ISI Web of Knowledge is a big step for King Saud University. It will allow students and college professionals to navigate to high-quality content with ease. "From a single point of entry, ISI Web of Knowledge integrates journal literature from Web of Science and Current Contents Connect with patent data (Derwent Innovations IndexSM), proceedings information (ISI ProceedingsSM), life
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Supply Chain and Logistics Management and strategy Assignment
Supply Chain and Logistics Management and strategy - Assignment Example Third party logistics companies have the capability to customize services according to the business needs of HP. While, it may not be possible for HP to internally deploy best resources for all supply chain operations, outsourcing the same to a good 3PL would ensure the same. In addition, there is a greater accountability and a willingness to please the client by the 3PL (Sullivan). Third party logistics would also enable HP to concentrate on its core competency which is manufacturing or assembling of high quality computing technology products. Similarly, 3PLs whose core competency is in logistics would be able to better handle the logistics of HP. Therefore, a win-win situation is created for both the partners. However, due to a concentration on its core competency, there is a risk of HP losing control over its operations in the long term. Also, HP needs to make it sure that the 3PL provider should not have strategic alliances with a competitor as it would lead to conflict of interest (The Ultimate Logistics Guide). One of the biggest advantages of using third party logistics vendor comes from the realization of economies of scale. Third party logistics vendors generally have large transportation fleet and warehouses since they provide these services to a number of companies. This results in effective cost management. In addition, there are also cost savings due to economies of scope. Economies of scope are realized because common resources can be used for many varieties of products within HP or between firms due to involvement of 3PL vendors (Nemoto, Tezuka). Considerable costs are also saved in capital investments in warehouses, logistics and transportation. The 3PL providers can further spread the financial risks by outsourcing to subcontractors and Fourth party logistic providers (4PL). Having mentioned a lot of savings, the probability of negative impacts can’t be ignored. If
Monday, November 18, 2019
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - Essay Example On the other hand, I cannot deny the fact that some experiences have had so far, constitute a remarkable percentage of my happiest days on earth (Fryer 87). I love my class so much for we have shared so many things together, and I also honor my teachers for all they have let me know. To give an overview of the good experiences that I have had in the university, I first consider my class. My class has had a lot of chances to visit very interesting places and I am great am part of that class (Fryer 87). First I will never forget our visit to the fine arts Museum in Houston during one of the poetry sessions. In this trip I encountered a poet who read a poem which had an African inspiration, particularly from Congo. The poem claimed that works of art in German had their roots in the African continent. This is because the people of Congo are the ones who offered the German president the art works. The whole experience at the museum overwhelmed my heart with joy, because I could identify m yself with the musical accompaniments which are very common in my African continent (Fryer 87). Moreover, the companionship I had with my classmates as we walked round the museum, made me feel so happy. As much as I have had good times in the University, I have equally had very challenging moments. ... My hopes that my classmates will finally show up were finally shuttered, when I was hit by the reality that it was already 10 o’clock and no one had arrived. I kept strong and went to the event alone unfortunately what I caught my eye was not interesting at all. I saw drunkards and smokers and I realized that was a not a place for me to be (Fryer 88). So I stayed shortly then went back home disappointed, thinking of the time I had wasted. Even though my classmates make me feel so bad, they make me feel good as well and I love them very much (Fryer 88). I am very free with them during our interactions, but sometimes a think am shy. Despite the fact that this are the same people I interact with them daily, when am asked to address them, it seems so impossible for me. I understand that I am a visitor to this country however I seek to know if all visitors feel the way I do or I just lack confidence. My participation in class is very poor as I am not able even answer a question in class though I may be having its answer. Sometimes I feel that it is because English is not my first language, as much as I can speak it (Fryer 88). I think if there is a way I can boost my confidence and have the courage to speak in class, I can really appreciate. In conclusion, my experience I the Rice University can be described as a normal one, because this is what people usually go through. Life is full of ups and downs and we should always learn to appreciate our experiences, because they usually give us a chance to learn. My class members are very great and I generally appreciate the role they have played in my life. I believe the challenges I experience in my class are not extra-ordinary, since they can be overcome. If I overcome these challenges I have confidence that I will
Saturday, November 16, 2019
History and Impact of Social Media
History and Impact of Social Media SOCIAL MEDIA Introduction It can be define as,â€Å"Social media is to the way of communication between different communities in which they share , produce and exchange thoughts , opinion through networks. It is define as a group of internet based application that build on the ideological and technological foundations of web 2 and that allow the creation and exchange of user generated content.†Most of us know social media from its different tools and communities. Face book, MySpace, YouTube, and Wikipedia are the most famous. The tools of social media – we can also call them â€Å"Web 2.0†tools – developed quickly, and new tools, functions, and services are born every day. It also includes usage of mobile and internet that create highly interactive platforms through which people of different communities discuss, create and modify user generated content. It produces a change in communities, organization, and institutions by combining it on a same platform towards individual. Social media imply twoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ way interaction, so included in social media is any means of communication that allows a interaction. The unstable growth of Social Media provided millions of people the opportunity to create and share content on a large scale imaginable a few years ago. Large participation in these social networks are reacted in the countless number of opinions, news, and product reviews .These are constantly posted and discussed in social sites. Given this widespread generation and use of content, it is natural to target ones messages to highly connected people. They will propagate them further in the social network. Now, Social media is a framework like a honeycomb in the world, which is surrounded all the world in a global way. It affects the whole of the society at the same time to all the persons of different countries equally. Social media has a wide range in the present times. Social media have many different forms in which it interact with different peoples. It includes social networking, wikis, internet forums, social blogs, weblogs , photographs , video these forums on a daily basis in business, social life and for entertainment. [1] History: The history of social media start within the invention of computers. It covers many eras to reach its complete and develop form. The development of computers from mechanical era to electrical era had human great invention. The social media had arrived at the end of the 19th century. Now, it is used in the increasing number of users to find everything at one place and time. The history of social media lied in three terms for example Before the dawning(1969-1995 ) The dawning(1995-2005) After the dawning(2006-present) 2.Before the Dawning: In 1969 CompuServe was first introduced in computers to run different mechanisms. The Arpanet service is introduced in 1969.In 1971 first e-mail was introduced in the market, which led e-mailing history. In 1978 project butenburg started. These are all features in the computers. The birth of [emailprotected] .The whole earth lectronic link The Well was came into market in 1985. In 1988 Internet Relay Chat(IRC) is used in computers. In 1989 World Wide Web w3c was introduced. From 1991 -94 approximately 2.6 million internet users are produced and now, the world wide web goes to public. The first web page is also created Tim Berners Lee and Mosaic is created , during these years first blog JUSTIN LINKS made and also THE GLOBE. The Dawning : During 1995-2005 multiple pages or apps came into existence in the market which are such as: ICQ , a free instant messaging software Microsoft Hotmail In year 1999 , 70 million computers connected to internet In year 1998 major search engine Google came into existence In 2001 Wikipedia-a free Encyclopedia Also apple iPods’ 2003 , Skype Linked in 2004-facebook for Harvard students Image hostin-flickr In 2005 – face book for high school students 3.After The Dawning : In 2006-13 an increasing number of users increased day by day. In 2006 approx. 400 million searches per day on Google observed. Twitter and you tube users number also increased. Face book , in 2009;350 million users 2011 face book and twitter had 550 million and 56 million users , respectively. From 2011, social media is virtually accessible from anywhere in the world. The internet population is more than 2.4 billion users,today. Types: Social media can be divided into following categories regarding social presence , media richness and self presentation. It had following types: collaborative projects blogs and micro blogs content communities social networking site virtual game worlds virtual social worlds Examples: There are many examples of social media belonging to different types which had various aspects as following: 1-Wikipedia: It was firstly lunched by jimmy wale and Larry Sanger in January 15,2001. Wikipedia is the example of all wikis and â€Å"wiki-like†works. It is a search web site. We only write the topic in the address bar and then it give a lot of information on that topic. It give also the option of different language like English, Eesti, Arabic, Francais, and Italian etc. On this site, information of all the subjects are available in all the language. Due to different language facility, every person can get knowledge and ideas in his own language. The basic idea behind wikis is to provide voluntary, decentralised and open information. Text can be added or corrected, and new sections can be added without the need to modify the structure of the entire page. 2-Twitter: Twitter is also a shape of face book but from twitter we can only sent short texts. It is online social networking and microblogging service that make able to users send and read short 140-character text messages. From the way of twitter, people exchange ideas,thought and information from their relatives and friends. These messege are called tweets commonly.There is no opportunity to justify a point of view or cite sources, and because of this, political messaging and conversation can be more heated and critical here than on other social media platforms. Despite this, Twitter can be used for active political discussion. Twitter can also be used to steer the user to more detailed content elsewhere, through web links or other references. However, studies on the use of Twitter to influence voting behaviour highlight only small groups of â€Å"super users†. 3- YouTube and Dailymotion: YouTube is the Internet’s leading video service. It began operating in 2005, and grew very quickly, with 50 million visits to the site just by the end of the same year. In 2010, there were already more than 2 billion visits to You-Tube every day. Th e basic idea behind YouTube is that users upload videos to the site and at the same time, watch and comment on what they see. Based on the number of viewers, the most popular videos on YouTube are music videos, entertainment programmes, and news videos, but there are also some user-made videos about personal problems that have found quite a large audience. 4Facebook: Facebook was first lunched in February 2004.Facebook is a online connection among the people which are well-known to each other. They posted their photos, videos, and many other blogs. Its registration is open from the age of 13 to older. Most consider Facebook as the very image of social media. The basic idea is to off er each registered user the chance to create a user profile with pictures and to keep in touch with their so-called â€Å"friends†, or contacts they link to on the site. Facebook wasn’t the first of its kind: similar services already existed in the late 1990s, but the way Harvard university student linked a person’s photograph and profile to others and created a way to share thoughts, pictures and links was completely new. It was easy for users to adapt to it. Facebook was first available in February 2004 to Harvard students. Within one year, Facebook was used in almost numbers have changed or become outdated. Th e worldwide attraction with Facebo ok is based on the possibility it offers to be in contact with people whose e-mail addresses and phone chance to create networks: Facebook’s activity is based only on communities. Being on Facebook is not just limited to information within a group of friends. Through groups, users can form new networks. A user’s posting, in the form of text, pictures or both, can receive feedback from other users in the form of the †Like†button, and the opt ion to make their own comments. They can also forward the posting to their own Facebook contacts using the â€Å"Share†option. One popular feature Facebook supports is community pages for common interests. Many political candidates create a page for themselves, and when a user clicks on the â€Å"Like†button, that user indicates that they would like to receive updates each time the candidate adds something to Facebook. 5-Google : It had many benefits for different communities. Its uses are multiple range from education to all social aspects in life. It is helpful for many peoples and users. Impacts Of Social Media: News : Social media is a way of information. It has become an important source of news. While the credibility of some sources can clearly be contested, news channels give updates on significant happenings all over the world. Their availability on social networks makes news more accessible. Additionally, news quickly gets passed around the networks in ways never experienced before. Interaction : Social media has furthered interaction by such a massive scale that is hard not to notice it. It allows people to keep in touch in a more regularly, and sometimes, more closely, than was ever before because of time. People cities or continents apart can keep in touch so effortlessly, creating an opportunity to experience different cultures. 3.Political Landscapes: Social media has developed greater political awareness and organization, which has in some cases rewritten entire political landscapes. It has particularly played a large part in the Iran elections, and Obama’s reelection for a second term as US President, and inspired the political unrests in Egypt. 4.Learning : Actually, learning is a two way process. Social media has also played a large part in development literacy. Children who start using the platforms develop early communication skills, and generally become more literate. This is an encouraging trend, and thanks to the huge availability of information, both simplistic and complex on the internet, anyone can become as smart or intelligent as they desire. 5.Marketing : The whole dynamics of marketing have been changed. People can do his business sitting in his own home. In a few minutes, they check the sample online and give order for delivery. They are able to understand the needs of the market from the market itself, greatly altering the way marketing has been done in the past. Advantages: These modern technology has become our life very easy. It has removed the distance between the people. Due to this reason, people are always in a contact and share their feeling with one another. Its make the world as a globe. We aware every time from all breaking news that what is doing in our country at this time. As different parts of the world advance at different pace in education, business, tourism and so on, people tend to migrate from place to place for varying reasons, ranging from business-related reasons to pleasure-related reasons. This act of migration causes families, friends, lovers, and other related people to stay separated by distance. It would be quite emotionally worrying for one to find out that he or she would be either temporarily or permanently away from his or her family. There could be psychological effects associated with being away from home. Most people go through a period of initial depression, cultural shock, or homesickness no matter how well they are prepared. The temporary feelings of missing one’s family, home environment, friends, etc along with the initial cultural shock, and readjustment to your new life could be frightening. Though cannot replace the feeling of being home with one’s family in person, the technology of Skype has made it possible for many people to make free internet voice and video calls. People will worry less about cost and converse in a relaxed manner. Video-chats, such that Skype technology provides, could go a long way in maintaining the friendly bond in such cases. Social networking can enrich social lives for those separated from family and friends by long distances, bringing them together despite the physical separation. This has been observed in a number of people in the armed forces that use Skype, Facebook, and twitter to stay in touch. Though the world is quite large, it now seems â€Å"small†due to social networking. People from different parts of the globe can connect to other people in other parts of the world, exchanging information and pleasantries. The future of social networking will have the world to seem even â€Å"smaller†Disadvantages: There are always two sides of every coin. Mostly people do not use this technology properly. Social media is just a tool or mean for people to use. It is still up to the users on how to use this tool (just like a knife, can help you to cut food or hurt others). â€Å"Pew Research Centers Internet American Life Project and Elon Universitys Imagining the Internet Center conducted a study on The Future of Online Socializing from the highly engaged, diverse set of respondents to an online, opt-in survey consisted of 895 technology stakeholders and critics.†The new generation people spend their a lot of time on face book daily. due to this reason, they can not get their aim of his future. The negative effects presented by the respondents included time spent online robs time from important face-to-face relationships; the internet fosters mostly thin relationships; the act of leveraging the internet to engage in social connection exposes private information; the internet allows peo ple to silo themselves, limiting their exposure to new ideas; and the internet is being used to engender intolerance. Some respondents also highlighted that there will be development of some new psychological and medical syndromes that will be variations of depression caused by the lack of meaningful quality relationships, and a new world society. The term, Social Networking, has begun to deceive the users to believe they are social creatures. For instance, spending a couple of hours using Farmville and chatting with friends concurrently does not convert into social skills. People become dependent on the technology and forget how to socialise in face-to-face context. The online personality of a person might be totally different from his/her offline character, causing disorder when the two personalities meet. It is apparent in online dating when the couple gets together in face-to-face for the first time. Their written profiles do not clearly represent their real-life characters. It is more inviting for people to type something that others want to hear than saying the truth. Besides the friendship, creators of social networking sites and users redefine the term, privacy in the Internet as well. The challenge in data privacy is to share data while protecting personally identifiable information. Almost any information posted on social networking sites is permanent. Whenever someone posts pictures or videos on the web, it becomes viral. When the user deletes a video from his/her social network, someone might have kept it and then posted it onto other sites like YouTube already. People post photographs and video files on social networking sites without thinking and the files can reappear at the worst possible time. Table Conclusion : Today’s social media have helped make real the idea of a â€Å"global village†. Social media has changed the way people communicate. Social media’s greatest change to the way people communicate is user-produced content and the fast and flexible sharing of this content Though the world is quite large, it now seems â€Å"small†due to social networking. People from different parts of the globe can connect to other people in other parts of the world, exchanging information and pleasantries. The future of social networking will have the world to seem even â€Å"smaller†. Everything has some positive aspects as well as negative so does the social media. But it contributes a lot to the human being in different forms from small scale to a large scale in every field. [1] (accessed 4 13sunday, 2014).
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Unscrupulous Iago of Shakespeares Othello Essay -- Othello essays
In William Shakespeare's play, Othello, there is an example of evil personified. He is the character of Iago, and he wreaks havoc and destruction on all those under his influence. As the play develops, we see unfolded a plethora of lies, deceptions and clever schemes. Iago seizes every opportunity to advance his malicious plan to his advantage. Greed and jealousy play a major role as a motive for his various schemes. Iago first reveals his cunning and unscrupulous behavior in his encounter with Rodrigo. Iago easily controls Rodrigo and he is very aware of his power over him. He plans to use his influence over him for his own good. He shows this by saying "Thus do I ever make my fool my purse; For I mine own gained knowledge should profane If I would time expend with such a snipe". We learn that Iago has a secret hatred for both Othello and Cassio. Iago says he hates Othello because he has denied Iago a promotion and for Cassio because he now occupies Iago's desired position of lieutenant. His motive is to seek revenge upon both these characters. Rodrigo has a shared hatred for Othello for his own and when he suggests he would not serve him, Iago reveilles his scheming plan for Othello by saying to him "O, sir, content you. I will follow him to serve my turn upon him." By saying this Iago shows that he plans to cleverly trick Othello of being loyal to him and th en eventually use him for his own ends. In his first attempt to bring down Othello, he and Rodrigo tell Brabantio that Othello has kidnapped his daughter Desdemona. This is a dishonorable act as this is definitely a lie and told to Desdemona's father only to anger him towards Othello. Brabantio is also a senator and has the power to dismiss Othello from hi... ...s. "Two Worldviews Echo Each Other." Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Reprint from Shakespeare: The Pattern in His Carpet. N.p.: n.p., 1970. Gardner, Helen. "Othello: A Tragedy of Beauty and Fortune." Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Reprint from "The Noble Moor." British Academy Lectures, no. 9, 1955. Shakespeare, William. Othello. In The Electric Shakespeare. Princeton University. 1996. No line nos. Wright, Louis B. and Virginia A. LaMar. "The Engaging Qualities of Othello." Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Reprint from Introduction to The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice by William Shakespeare. N. p.: Simon and Schuster, Inc., 1957.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Do the Environmentalist Overstated Their Case Essay
From this article you will see that environmentalists are concern about the environmental catastrophe. Some of them claimed that world was in danger and we shouldn’t neglect about this issue. But Lomborg opposed in his article that the environmentalist have been overstated from the real situation. The author said that some of environmental organizations are using only selective information and also distort the truth. Also from the author research evidence shown that environment is in good condition In my opinion, l agreed with Lomborg that some organization overstate their case. Also one of the word he wrote in his article that â€Å"thing was better now but they are still not good enough†. It is true that nowadays we have more food per person than we need. In contrast food are in increasing in slow rate while the rate of population continue rising. If we don’t control the rate of child‘s birth. Moreover in my point of view the state that fewer people are starving is not true. Because nowadays there are a lot of people in the world suffer from malnutrition. Owning to quality of land, soil and fertility is important for production process but now in response to the increase using of pesticides. Also about deforestation even it is true as research said that globally forest has been reduced in very small portions even so we shouldn’t loss even more forest because forest is the most important resource for living things. Forest is not only providing valuable products but they also keep ecosystem in balance. They reduce problem about air pollution. So why don’t we trying to protect and increase in the forest. Last issue is about global warming. This is a long-term problem. It is true that doomsday not going to happened soon but if we keep ignoring about this issue. This might chase up global warming to happen faster. So for me it is time to concern about environment and plan for our next generation. Because as you see nowadays each of person prefer a high standard of living. But if we serve everybody demand the supply of environment resources must be lower and lower. This is the proper time to care about our earth use the environment resource in economize and benefit ways. Then the story that many environmental organizations keep telling us will not happen in the nearly future like them expected.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Biography of Damien Hirst, British Contemporary Artist
Biography of Damien Hirst, British Contemporary Artist Damien Hirst (born June 7, 1965) is a controversial contemporary British artist. He is the best-known member of the Young British Artists, a group that shook up the U.K.s art scene in the 1990s. Some of Hirsts most famous works feature dead animals preserved in formaldehyde. Fast Facts: Damien Hirst Occupation: ArtistKnown For: Key member of the Young British Artists and the creator of controversial, sometimes shocking artwork.Born: June 7, 1965 in Bristol, EnglandEducation: Goldsmiths, University of LondonSelected Works: The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living (1992), For the Love of God (2007)Notable Quote: I was taught to confront things you cant avoid. Death is one of those things. Early Life and Career Damien Hirst (born Damien Steven Brennan) was born in Bristol and grew up in Leeds, England. His mother later described him as a morbid child, interested in grisly and gruesome images of disease and injury. These subjects would later inform some of the artists iconic works. Hirst had several run-ins with the law, including two arrests for shoplifting. He failed numerous other academic subjects, but he succeeded in art and drawing. Damien attended the Jacob Kramer School of Art in Leeds, and in the late 1980s, he studied art at Goldsmiths, University of London. In 1988, in his second year at Goldsmith, Damien Hirst organized an independent student exhibition titled Freeze in an empty London Port Authority building. It was the first significant event organized by a group that would become known as the Young British Artists. The final version of the exhibition included two of Hirsts iconic spot paintings: multicolored spots on white or near-white backgrounds painted by hand with glossy house paint. International Success Damien Hirsts first solo exhibition, In and Out of Love, took place in an empty shop on Woodstock Street in central London in 1991. During that year, he met the Iraqi-British businessman Charles Saatchi, who became a primary patron. Saatchi offered to fund any art that Hirst wanted to create. The result was a work titled The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living. It consisted of a shark preserved in formaldehyde inside in a tank. The piece was part of one of the first Young British Artists exhibitions at the Saatchi Gallery in 1992. As a result of the media attention surrounding the piece, Hirst earned a nomination for the U.K.s Turner Prize for distinguished young artists, but he lost to Grenville Davey. In 1993, Hirsts first major international work at the Venice Biennale was titled Mother and Child Divided. The work included a cow and a calf cut into sections and exhibited in separate tanks. The next year, Hirst exhibited a similar piece: Away from the Flock, which featured a sheep preserved in formaldehyde. During the exhibition, the artist Mark Bridger entered the gallery and poured black ink into the tank, then offered a new title for the work: Black Sheep. Bridger was prosecuted, but at Hirsts request, his sentence was light: two years of probation. In 1995, Damien Hirst won the Turner Prize. In the latter half of the decade, he presented solo shows in Seoul, London, and Salzburg. He also branched out into directing music videos and short films, and he formed the band Fat Les with actor Keith Allen and Alex James of the rock group Blur. By the end of the decade, the Young British Artists, including Hirst, were seen as a key part of the mainstream art scene in the U.K. Later Career On September 10, 2002, the day before the one-year anniversary of the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center terrorist attacks in New York City, Hirst released a statement describing the attacks as kind of like an artwork in its own right. The outrage was quick and severe. A week later, he issued a public apology. After meeting Joe Strummer of the band The Clash in 1995, Damien Hirst became good friends with the guitarist. In late 2002, Strummer died of a heart attack. Hirst stated it had a powerful effect: It was the first time I felt mortal. In March 2005, Hirst exhibited 30 paintings at the Gagosian Gallery in New York. They took over three years to complete and were based on photos taken mostly by assistants but finished by Hirst. In 2006, he introduced the work: A Thousand Years (1990). It contains a life cycle of maggots hatching inside a box, turning into flies, and feeding on a bloody, severed cows head in a glass display case. The case included buzzing live flies, many of which were electrocuted in a device designed to ward off insects. The famed artist Francis Bacon praised A Thousand Years (1990) in a letter to a friend a month before he died. In 2007, Hirst presented the piece For the Love of God, a human skull copied in platinum and studded with over 8,600 diamonds. The only part of the original skull included are the teeth. The price for the work was $100,000,000. No one bought it at the original exhibition, but a consortium that included Hirst himself purchased it in August 2008. Praise and Criticism Damien Hirst has earned praise for drumming up new interest in the arts through his celebrity persona and sense of the dramatic. He helped bring the British art scene back to prominence internationally. His supporters, including his benefactor Saatchi and many other noted artists, say that Hirst is a showman, but that getting the attention of the public is essential. He is sometimes mentioned in the company of 20th-century masters like Andy Warhol and Jackson Pollock. However, detractors question whether there is anything artistic about dead, preserved animals. Brian Sewell, an Evening Standard art critic, said that Hirsts art is no more interesting than a stuffed pike over a pub door. A 2009 Hirst show titled No Love Lost, which featured his paintings, received almost universal criticism. His efforts were described as shockingly bad. Plagiarism Controversy In 2000, designer Norman Emms sued Damien Hirst over the sculpture Hymn, which was a reproduction of the Young Scientist Anatomy Set, designed by Emms and manufactured by Humbrol. Hirst paid an out-of-court settlement to two charities and Emms. In 2007, artist John LeKay, a former friend of Hirst, claimed that the inspiration for many of Hirsts works came from the Carolina Biological Supply Company catalog. He also claimed that the diamond-encrusted skull titled For the Love of God was inspired by LeKays own crystal skull work in 1993. In response to a number of other claims of copyright infringement or outright plagiarism, Hirst said, As a human being, as you go through life, you just do collect. Personal Life Between 1992 and 2012, Hirst lived with his girlfriend, Maia Norman. They have three sons: Connor Ojala, Cassius Atticus, and Cyrus Joe. Hirst is known to spend much of his private time at a farmhouse in Devon, England. He also owns a large compound in Mexico where multiple artists help carry out his projects at his art studio. Source Gallagher, Ann. Damien Hirst. Tate, 2012.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Art and the Post Impressionism Movement essays
Art and the Post Impressionism Movement essays Art critics first used the term "post-impressionistic" in 1911 to loosely describe the work of a few artists whose paintings reflect Impressionistic principles but were created after the movement had lost favor in the late seventeenth century (around 1885). Significant artists whose works have been defined in this category include Paul CÃ ©zanne (1839-1906), Paul Gauguin (1848-1903) and Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890). Post-Impressionists, these few in particular, pushed Impressionist principles further than they had previously been explored. Those styles and techniques valued in this period focus on the painting of personal impressions (unlike earlier traditional painting) and a freer and more innovative use of color to convey the mood or emotional feeling derived from the subject, as opposed to the fairly realistic, if often pastel-like (due to a desire to illuminate their work), use of color promoted by the Impressionists. In order to understand Post-Impressionism, the principles of the Impressionist movement have to be understood. The background from which Impressionism sprung was a period of industrial progress and a vibrant social scene. In Paris, some artists explored new ways of expression and broke free from the established French painting traditions enforced by the Salon. Artists took advantage of the contemporary scientific discoveries and industrialization to improve the color, lifespan, accessibility and general quality of the media (eg. The creation of smaller lightweight canvases for "plein air" painting, artificial paint pigments, and the invention of the collapsible metal paint tube in 1840 for easier transport). The primary school or group of painters established in the Post-Impressionist movement was called the Nabis School or the Pont-Aven group (after the France village where they were based). Gauguin was a founding member of the school, becoming the primary mentor of the group, and others looked to him for guidance...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Threats and Opportunities of Colgate Company Coursework
Threats and Opportunities of Colgate Company - Coursework Example Colgate Company has managed to deal with the pressure of the external environment over time and this is attributed to the fact that the company has managed to stay alive in the market for the many years that it has. It was founded in 1880 and has continued to serve the world over the years. The company has had its fair share of Threats and Opportunities. It has handled its threats quite well to be able to survive to date. It has also seized all its opportunities quite effectively and hence survived in the market. One of the major opportunities that Colgate seized quite effectively is the huge market base that was unexploited. Any the time Colgate company was being coined in 1880, the world had seen very little of the oral health production industry. The world is such a wide base and in all corners of the world are individuals who have teeth that they need to take care of. Colgate Company took full advantage of this fact and set up its roots in all corners of the world. A vast unexplored market is a great opportunity for any business venture that needs to be exploited effectively. Colgate Company took full advantage of this great Opportunity that was naturally presented to it by the external environment. It employed great marketing strategies that hugely popularized its brand name Colgate. In fact, in several countries across the world, the brand name Colgate is used synonymously with the word toothpaste. One great threat that was presented by the external environment to Colgate Company is stiff competition from new coming products in the oral health industry. There are very many products that have been introduced in the industry in the resent days which have posed a great challenge to the survival of the firm. Some of these products are geared towards herbal medicine. Such products managed to convince several consumers in the market as it assured them of proper oral health care in a manner that is strictly natural and hence had no side effects absolutely. This painted the wrong impression that the products from Colgate Company were harmful to the health of the consumers as it used mainly synthetic chemical products. With the development of health concerns regarding Cancer and other lethal ailments in the world which are associated with chemical products, this posed a huge threat to the existence of Colgate Company. The company had to devise a mechanism quickly to deal with this threa t. To deal with the threat of the introduction of purportedly herbal and natural products in the oral health industry, Colgate Company came up with an ingenious idea. It made full use of its brand name popularity and introduced its own herbal products. It also introduced a whole range of contemporary and competitive products which cushioned off the external threats. The Company introduced such products as Colgate Triple action, Colgate Whitening among others. These were geared towards luring consumers to concentrate on certain effects in particular rather than the whole oral health in one package. Colgate whitening for instance was geared towards giving the consumers extra white teeth and whoever went for it would be guaranteed getting their teeth whiter than ever before. Tis gave the products of the firm a different dimension. They became less of just general oral products but more of products that are bought to fix certain specific oral concerns. With this strategy, the firm was a ble to beat hands down the threats that were posed by
Saturday, November 2, 2019
To what extent are our sexualities fixed at birth Essay
To what extent are our sexualities fixed at birth - Essay Example Significantly, scholars have debated on whether one's sexuality is fixed at birth or not, and one dominant argument is that being a man or a woman is not a fixed state, as it is a becoming or a condition actively under construction. According to major French feminists like Simone de Beauvoir, one is not born, but becomes, a woman. "So we cannot think of womanhood or manhood as fixed by nature. But neither should we think of them as simply imposed from outside, by social norms or pressure from authorities. People construct themselves as masculine or feminine. We claim a place in the gender order - or respond to the place we have been given - by the way we conduct ourselves in everyday life." (Connell, 4) Therefore, one's sexuality is not completely fixed either by birth or by upbringing, and it is fundamental to realize to what extent are our sexualities fixed at birth. This paper makes a reflective analysis of the question to what extent our sexualities are fixed at birth. Gender is not fixed by nature alone, i.e. one does not completely assume one's manhood or womanhood by birth. It is also determined by what is imposed on an individual from outside, including the social norms and pressure from authorities. Understanding gender is essential to realize to what extent our sexualities are fixed at birth and it is common that people claim a specific place in the gender order which they enjoy in their daily life. Significantly, most of the people willingly accept this gender order and enjoy the gender polarity. It is also important to realize that sexual pleasure is frequently organized around gender polarity in Western culture. However, there are also several cases of gender ambiguities and there are masculine women as well as feminine men. According to psychological researches, the great majority of people combine masculine as well as feminine characteristics, rather than being all one or all the other. Therefore, a thorough understanding of the sexuali ty of human beings - as it is created at birth and as it is formulated all through the stages of development in human beings - is essential and a clear understanding of the term gender is also crucial. "In its most common usage, the term 'gender' means the cultural difference of women from men, based on the biological division between male and female. Dichotomy and difference are the substance of the idea Gender is, above all, a matter of the social relations within which individuals and groups act. Gender relations do include difference and dichotomy, but also include many other patterns Gender is the structure of social relations that centres on the reproductive arena, and the set of practices (governed by this structure) that bring reproductive directions between bodies into social process." (Connell, 8-10) Therefore, it is important to recognise that one's sexuality or gender refers to the structure of social relations based on the reproductive arena and it is a set of practices which determine the reproductive distinctions between men and women. A reflective analysis of the definition of gender confirms that there may be striking difference in the gender patterns from one cultural context to another. It is also essential to
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